15 August 2009

Week 4: I got ill :( but with all the bad comes BUBBLE!!!

Unfortunately I fell very ill and was unable to complete my final week at Rachel Riley which was really frustrating but I wanted to get better for my next placement. I didn't get to go in and say thank you or goodbye so I sent a card and some chocolates in the post.

In response I got a really lovely email from Jo today thanking me for the card and chocolates and for all my hard work; She said that the website would be up and running on Friday, so I will definitely be checking it out. Jo also kindly offered me the opportunity to come back at any point as they would have liked for me to have been more involved in the design side!!
Something I will certainly be looking to do is help Rachel Riley at Bubble London, which is one of the largest Childrenswear Trade Shows of which has a blog that I use as my key source for inspiration, revealing everything and anything fresh, exciting and taking off in a kids world!! Jo has said that if help them to set up and work on the stand I will have full access to the show which would just be incredible because as an individual I have no way of getting in. The opportunities to network here will be phenomenal and perfect timing for primary inspiration with it happening at the very beginning of January just in time for the beginning of my final major project...

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