21 August 2009

The last 4 days at a fantastic placement!

On Tuesday I was set a brief  for the week by the Accessories designer as she was in despair over a fairy and quote her words "I might actually murder this fairy if I have to look at her anymore!!" It was for a new print to go on Spring/Summer 10 little girl's tins. She left the look and design of the fairies in my hands and gave me a file full of all the background prints I could use. I was so excited to get started and really wanted to make a good impression...
This is the original design that she wanted me to develop on...

I started by sketching the characters on paper and then scanned them so that I could work into them on Photoshop

I worked colour into the fairies and butterflies and these are the characters ready to start creating various tin designs...

This is one of my favourite designs from the selection I created. I asked for some feedback and the Accessories designer was really pleased and had spoken with her colleague who makes the final decisions and she loved the butterflies especially. They told me they are going to do some further tweaking but that I should definitely keep an eye out in march 2010 because my work may well be on some of their tins!! It felt brilliant to have actually been apart of the design process and that it may be used in their stores on real products... a bit surreal but I will most certainly be keeping my eyes peeled!

In between this brief Sian also got me doing 
a few spec sheets for her and also asked me to sketch this jacket for the designers reference, including all the detailing.

The last few hours on Friday I was able to look through all Monsoon's Children's wear trend forecasting books such as Peclers and photocopy anything that might help me in my final year. I also photographed some of their boards as inspiration for building a theme and collating my final collection...
Working at Monsoon was a highly valuable experience and has inspired me with ideas for approaching my own work. Whilst sat at my desk I had the perfect spot to be very observant of everything that was going on around me. It's a shame really that I was only able to do a week, but Sian said that they would love to have me back which is great :)

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