10 July 2009

Welcome to our Playground!

At the start of second year we had two 5 week brief's, one of which was to initiate a methodology for a personal design process. I saw this an opportunity to venture into a field I had always been intrigued by, which was children's wear. I decided that this project was early enough in the year to still experiment and take some risks!

The methodology I created came from a personal belief that children are growing up too fast and that fashion is impacting on this further, therefore, I wanted children themselves to be a part of the process. I collaberated with a Primary School back at home and an art club at a local Primary school in bournemouth, setting the children various tasks involving word association with colours, line work, drawing and work with pattern pieces...

It was really interesting to see how designs and ideas evolved from simple yet effective artwork! The children were intrigued as to why they had done these tasks, so Fleckney Primary School, back at home, invited me in to do a presentation for the children of year 2 and year 5; I showed them the finished project and talked to them about how I used their work. It was fantastic and I got a great response from the children asking me all sorts of questions :) it was also great to see how kids think and react to things.

I felt that I had got so much out of this project and found a fresh and exciting new area of fashion design that I would continue with children's wear :)

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