18 July 2009

Presentation for Year 5

After collaborating again with Fleckney Primary School for my 'Yoghurt Pot' project I was invited back into the school again to give a presentation to year 5. This time I was able to show the two classes the garments I had produced and the children were full of fantastic questions about how clothes are made and how I got from the ideas process to the actual designing. The teachers also thought it was a perfect opportunity for me to explain what university is and give the children a chance to see how they will progress through their education to a point where there are so many different options. 
It also gave me a chance to reflect on what I had achieved to this point, because its not often that you describe to a class of fifty 9 and 10 year olds how you got to the place you're in now! One question in particular stuck in my mind and that was "If I want to be a designer when I'm older what can I do now?" It was so lovely that this little girl was so inspired that she was really eager to get creative... So I told her to get a little book and just draw or write whatever she found interesting no matter how silly she might think it was and that could be a book of ideas...

It made me realise that I spend far too much time fretting over the particulars of my work that I don't let my imagination just flow anymore. This is certainly something I need to bare in mind when starting back in my final year, to ensure I don't let my creativity lapse...

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