18 July 2009

Favour for a friend :)

Well my very good friend Gretel Peg Mclaughlin got some brilliant news that she had an interview for some work experience in London, but she was worried that she had no images of her garments and didn't fancy carrying them in her portfolio. There was only a few days to prepare so arranging a photographer and securing a place to shoot was near impossible... As I had been given a digital slr camera for my 21st I felt it was about time I used it properly, so I offered to do the photography for Gretel if she didn't mind it being on the amateur side! Then there was the matter of a model which after missing someone really obvious at first... we realised Mary Selvidge (another good friend and fellow peer) was perfect! Finally there was just the issue of finding somewhere simple to do the shoot... and her housemate saved the day!
His mum is a photographer and she had a portable frame and backdrop which we could set up in Gretel's garden... Sorted... or so we thought!

We went to pick the frame and backdrop up and it turned out that the backdrop was double the length of my car... Slight problem there!!! Panic set in a smidgen, but once we were back and had set the frame up it was easily solved with some white curtains. Making do with what we had was definitely key and after a problematic start the shoot was soon under way. It was a gorgeous day so it didn't take long to sort the lighting, and once I had got used to my camera I quite enjoyed playing photographer! We had such a giggle and Mary was an absolute natural. After a quick play on photoshop the pictures were ready to print for Gretel's portfolio and I felt positive that I had been able to help her out, while it also gave me something productive to do.

So here are some of the best images... the first photograph is unedited to show how the raw pictures looked...

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